Thursday, August 19, 2010

Visa Issues!

Since Italy, we had been having a nice chilled time back at Port Grimaud. My Visa however was going to expire in a few days, and I had a plane booked for two days time.I'd heard that a Seaman's book would waaiver my Visa and I would be fine, however, the more research I did on it... the less convincing it seemed. I told my captain about the situation and we tried our best to find a solution, however everyone gave different answers, and noone knew what the right answer was!!

The day before my flight we had planned to go out for the day, but Matt had got an agency in St Tropez's number from an old friend of his that morning. It was the last chance I had at finding ou the truth about the Seaman's book. So they dropped me off at St Tropez on the way out and picked me up on the way in. I spent the day at the agency trying to figure out how I could stay in France, however, after a good hour of research, the agency finally said there was nothing they could do, I had to leave!

When they picked me up on the way back in, I told my captain I couldn't take the risk of being deported, so when we arrived back in port, I broke the news to the families, who were sad to hear I was going. It just didn't feel right leaving so early! I was about to start packing my bags, when the agency I had visited that morning gave me a call and told me there was a way I could stay!! I needed to see her the next morning though!

The next morning me and the captain rocked up at the agency, and I was told I had to go to Toulon to get my Visa stamped. Once it was stamped I could carry on waorking on the boat with my seaman's book, and a Transit Visa would be issued to me when I wanted to leave, so that I was allowed on shore. To cut things short, I did a 6 hour journey to and from Toulon, with an hour at customs, just to be told that I don't actually need the stamp!! Was good fun though... and at least I knew what was happening now!

So now I am still in France... living off the seaman's book. I'll be booking my flight tomorrow and hopefully organising the Transit Visa soon after! If anyone reading this post is in the same position... I found another blog which explains this all!! It's called yachting4newbies. About time someone actually published the correct information!!

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